The Sacred Magdalene Festival

Saturday 19, Sunday 20, Monday 21 July 2025 in Avalon

We invite you to our third annual Sacred Magdalene Festival, to immerse yourself in the divine wisdom and nourishing love of Mary Magdalene. Through beautiful sacred ceremonies and rose rituals, we guide you on an alchemical journey to receive her frequency that deeply honours all that you are and inspires you to step forward on your path. The Sacred Magdalene Festival echoes the ancient Egyptian template of festivals of light that created a sacred gathering to honour a central deity to anchor the transmission of light.  Through ritual, song, conscious gathering, the power of word and prayer, inspiring workshops and talks, we amplify Mary Magdalene’s teaching within us and we create sacred temple space where her essence can descend to teach us.

We create sacred temple space in the heart chakra of the world - Glastonbury, Avalon because it is part of our sacred ministry to reawaken the Magdalene codes embedded in the land, to honour her heritage and memory and to create spaces where people can be anointed into her mystery teaching and the frequency of the rose. This festival is a holy communion between the land, Mary Magdalene and our hearts - a big earth rite of oneness. Glastonbury also has a tradition of gatherings and earth rites in which people would participate to unlock the purpose of the land and align to wisdom of the land, to honour the spirit of the land for its generosity and teachings. In these ceremonies the people would be the pillars connecting the heavens to the earth.

Anais Theyskens

Magdalene Tantra - Anais Theyskens Talk and workshop on Magdalene Tantra

Mary Magdalene was a Tantrika. Far removed from the western fantasies of tantra, she was on a very a sacred path at the service of the divine mother and anointed Yeshua into the mysteries of the divine feminine. Discover how Mary Magdalene mastered life force energy and taught others how to cultivate and channel serpentine currents as part of her sacred ministry on earth. 

We will start with an introductory talk on the philosophy and purpose that shaped the path of Magdalene tantra and will go into a practical workshop to explore some of the methods Mary Magdalene engaged to become a living vehicle of spirit.

Caroline Glazebrook

The Sacred Voice of the Magdalene - Caroline Glazebrook Remembrance and reclaiming your own sacred voice Talk and workshop

Mary Magdalene is the embodiment of Light and Wisdom and a living frequency that is encoded with her teachings, grace and power. The Sacred Voice of the Magdalene speaks with love, compassion, wisdom, healing and transmissions of the Divine Mother. It is the sacred feminine and the creative principle. It is the true voice that has been suppressed and silenced through the ages.

We are in a potent cosmic wave of remembrance, to hear again the Sacred Voice of the Magdalene as the breath of life, the harmonic of creation that rises within us as a sacred golden serpent , the shakti ascending spiritual vibration of expanding consciousness. In this beautifully held talk and workshop, we receive blessings of Magdalene’s wisdom, light and grace, helping to expand your heart-soul alignment, bringing you deep trust in yourself, letting go of the anxiety, fear, self doubt, criticism, that have been blocks to our own sacred expression. Mary Magdalene invites you to remember your truth, honouring your sovereignty with clear boundaries, and reclaiming your own unique sacred voice of the Magdalene. 

The Magdalene Temple: The Sacred Sexual Mysteries & the Rose Mother - Chloe Mercer. An Introduction to Mary Magdalene as the Rose Wisdom Keeper and Star Priestess of Sophia – Carrier of the Original Teachings and Traditions of the Sacred Feminine

Step into the Magdalene Temple, where Chloe will guide you in remembering the original mysteries and sacred feminine traditions of the Rose Mother. This teaching honours Mary Magdalene as the keeper of ancient wisdom and her cosmic union with Jeshua.

Through this journey, we will explore the sacred mysteries of holy oil, anointment, and the deep sensuality, magic, and devotion at the core of the original sacred feminine traditions. Reverence for life, life force energy, and the sacred vessel that carries it—unifying the masculine and feminine—are central to the Temple’s teachings. The Temple stands as a profound mystery school of Earth and the stars, where the soul is initiated into the high altar of transformation and unity.

Following the teaching, we will embark on a Ka body activation, worship ritual, and sound alchemy. In this tradition, the Temple represents an inner soul journey, guiding us back to our true essence and reconnecting with the initiatory path of the Rose lineage. These sacred practices create a vessel for transformation, embodied awareness, and healing.

We will focus on healing and revitalising our life force, allowing us to birth new, abundant templates for the Earth. Through this sacred work, we anchor divine energy, restoring balance and contributing to the harmonious flow of life within ourselves and on Mother Earth.

We create this offering and this temple space as a weaving from our hearts to the heart of the earth, like a heart frequency manifested into being in the heart chakra of the earth. The Sacred Magdalene Festival is a way to honour Mary Magdalene’s legacy in Avalon and to awaken the blueprint of the rose in our cells by remembering her transmission and her journey, together.

We are Anais, Caroline and Chloé and we welcome you to your Sacred Magdalene experience at the Sacred Magdalene Festival in Glastonbury, Avalon, July 19, 20 and 21 July 2025.

The Sacred Magdalene Festival is a beautiful experience. It is a journey of awakening and blossoming like the divine rose. You can book your place at the Festival here

We will gather in a temple space imbued with the fragrance of the rose and aligned to the energy of the sword of truth, holding all of us during three days and allowing for powerful transformations and awakening. As we celebrate the presence of the female Christ energy alongside the male Christ, we open ourselves to the possibility of experiencing the sacred marriage rite of Hieros Gamos within ourselves once again. We evolve, open and blossom in sacred symbiosis with the awakening of the land of Avalon: our opening supporting the awakening of the land and the flourishing of rose essence in the land of Avalon awakening ancient memories in our cells.

On Saturday during our beautiful Opening Ceremony, we awaken the frequency of the rose within each of you and explore its presence and essence within the land of Avalon. Through embodied ritual and sacred anointment, we open the Rose Magdalene Temple space together. In the afternoon there is an inspiring workshop offered by one of the Magdalene Priestesses.

On Sunday we focus on anchoring the Rose Codes deeper into our bodies and consciousness. We learn to recognise how the Rose essence flows through our being, how its presence manifests in our lives - we become the Rose. In the morning you will be held in a shared ceremonial space, followed by a beautiful workshop offered by Anais, Caroline and Chloe.

On Monday, the eve of Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day, the morning begins with shared ceremonial space, followed by an inspiring workshop offered by Anais, Caroline and Chloe. After a lunch break, we gather together, bringing everything we have experienced and awakened within our heart and soul. Our Closing Ceremony will be a celebration of love, of Mary Magdalene and the sacred Rose Codes. In the evening, we invite you to a sacred music concert with Lydia Baksh and more details will be available soon.

Glastonbury - Avalon the heart chakra of our planet

Anais, Caroline and Chloé have all been drawn to Avalon. It is a calling from the sacred heritage in these lands that the heart hears and cannot ignore. Avalon is an energetic stronghold, a pillar of consciousness.

Avalon had been a living temple long before Mary Magdalene set foot there, but she wove the essence of the rose teachings into the tapestry of this land. Her Avalonian blueprint often felt like a secret only known by an inner circle of mystics and spiritual seekers, but is now powerfully awakening and resonating through the sacred sites of Avalon.  

The template of the Rose, seeded all those years ago by Mary Magdalene, Yeshua and their community, is rising towards the surface again. This is a template of love and harmony, the original blueprint of all life, helping us revert back to more harmonious ways of living and creating together. You can book your ticket for the Sacred Magdalene Festival here


register for The Sacred Magdalene Festival 2025

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