Mary Magdalene
Mary Magdalene is divine wisdom incarnate, Sophia in human form. She dedicated her life on earth to weaving back the wisdom of the Divine Mother into the consciousness of humanity through her teachings and the mystery schools she established or supported during her travels.
A high priestess of Egyptian mysteries, scholar, mystic and prophet, she anointed Yeshua and by doing so allowed him to become the Messiah. Sacred consort to Christ whose image was distorted and whose existence condemned to the periphery of history, she is now one of the central figures of a powerful heart awakening on the planet.
The path of the Magdalene is all about embodying our spirituality, honouring the body as the temple that receives our sacred soul. It is a path of beauty and celebration of the senses, and also one that requires crystal clear alignment, a strong commitment to faith and an openness of heart and mind.
Journeying with her is an initiation into a body of wisdom that is beyond any cultural or religious boundaries. She breaks down our walls and at the same time reunites all the parts of our beings across time and space, allowing us to bloom into the fullness of our being.
The Sacred Magdalene Festival is an experience, a journey of awakening, a movement of flowering in the image of the blossoming of the rose. You can book tickets here